ssb reception

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ssb reception

I am trying to receive on an early K2, and it has been several years since I have used one.  For some reason, I can only copy ssb when c mode is displayed?? When displayed U and L are fairly quite and signals other than code are unintelligible.  Could this be a set up issue, or something really stupid on my part??? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Tom

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Re: ssb reception

If you have DSP enabled for SSB,
you might turn it off.  DSP can often
make your radio dead as a doornail.
de Joe, aa4nn

> I am trying to receive on an early K2, and it has been several years since
> I
> have used one.  For some reason, I can only copy ssb when c mode is
> displayed?? When displayed U and L are fairly quite and signals other than
> code are unintelligible.  Could this be a set up issue, or something
> really
> stupid on my part??? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks,
> Tom

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Re: ssb reception

Don Wilhelm-4
In reply to this post by tpotts

Have the SSB filters been set up properly - it sounds like they have not.
Is the KSB2 option installed?  If, so, SSB FL1 must be set to OP1, 2, 3,
4 or 5.

If you are not familiar with the K2 filter alignment procedures, there
is information on the Elecraft website for how to use Spectrogram to
assist with that task.  There is also information about setting the
filters on my website in part 3 of the article
on K2 Dial Calibration.


tpotts wrote:

> I am trying to receive on an early K2, and it has been several years since I
> have used one.  For some reason, I can only copy ssb when c mode is
> displayed?? When displayed U and L are fairly quite and signals other than
> code are unintelligible.  Could this be a set up issue, or something really
> stupid on my part??? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks,
> Tom
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Re: ssb reception

Stephen  Prior
In reply to this post by Joe-aa4nn

It sounds to me as if all of the ssb filter settings are wrong.  I would
check them against the suggested values in the manual.

73 Stephen G4SJP

>> I am trying to receive on an early K2, and it has been several years since
>> I
>> have used one.  For some reason, I can only copy ssb when c mode is
>> displayed?? When displayed U and L are fairly quite and signals other than
>> code are unintelligible.  Could this be a set up issue, or something
>> really
>> stupid on my part??? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks,
>> Tom
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Re: ssb reception

In reply to this post by tpotts
If the filters have been set in the past, then hit the xfil button a
couple of times till it shows OP1, and see if that helps.  

David Wilburn
[hidden email]
K2 S/N 5982

On Tue, 2007-12-18 at 21:55 -0800, tpotts wrote:

> I am trying to receive on an early K2, and it has been several years since I
> have used one.  For some reason, I can only copy ssb when c mode is
> displayed?? When displayed U and L are fairly quite and signals other than
> code are unintelligible.  Could this be a set up issue, or something really
> stupid on my part??? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks,
> Tom

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