Hello All
>From the 3. of july and the following week, the 75. annual national OZ
is held near Korsoer, on the island of Sealand.
There will be a QRP night, on the 4. of july, with some informal lectures
given and stations
on show, including a brandnew KX1 and K2 as well as a lot of other homebrew
radios. we
expect to be active on 20 to 80 meters throughout the evening / night.
A big thanks to Elecraft for helping out on prices for the event.
We hope to be able to show pictures afterwards on the summercamp homepage
where you also can find more info. www.radiohobby.dk/lejr2004/
Everybody is of course more than welcome to show up. Just please remember
to checkin
at the campingcounceler at arrival.
Henning OZ4XF
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