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Nabble, missing messages

Posted by ab2tc on Sep 20, 2009; 3:12pm
URL: http://elecraft.85.s1.nabble.com/Nabble-missing-messages-tp3680399.html

I am using Nabble, but finding that the list of topics (threads) in the "topics" section is rather incomplete. Am I the only one having this problem and if so what am I doing wrong?  I read the list using marc.info but if I want to reply I want to use Nabble for convenience and lots of times the message isn't there. Yes, I know there is sometimes a delay, but that is not the only problem.

Example: Nowhere on Nabble can I find the recent messages regarding today's SSB net and the QSY down to 14.314. I have been wanting to support this move as I too have a carrier on 14.318 (3x4.772MHz TV color burst) with a resulting 2kHz whistle on 14.316. The manual notch does a fair job of reducing, but not eliminating it as the interference is rather wide and "dirty".

AB2TC - Knut