Re: Nabble, missing messages
Posted by
Leigh L. Klotz Jr WA5ZNU on
Sep 21, 2009; 4:33pm
I set up the additional archives for the convenience of easy web searches and for easy topic sorting.
Like the,, and Google Groups archives, Nabble is a free convenient reader that provides web access to the official Elecraft mailing list hosted by None of these are supported by Elecraft, as only the archive is the official list archive. Only two allow posting: the Google Groups reader and Nabble. Nabble also offers a convenient "bboard-like" way of organizing topics into forums and threads.
Unfortunately, Nabble is sometimes buggy, and has in recent days been failing to send messages on to the mail server. (Or possibly, is rejecting the messages, it it does sometimes even for regularly-sent email messages.) Indications are that Nabble has fixed this problem, but I'm not certain.
I'm sorry to hear that there are messages on the official list which aren't in the Nabble archive; again I ascribe this to a Nabble bug. If the problems persist, you can also use Google Groups to reply, or you can configure your browser to start an email program for mailto: links, and use or or for reading and reply through your desktop email program.
However, I did a quick search on "14.314" and found a message from yesterday about the net frequency. this the message you were looking for?
Please feel free to contact me off-list if you want to have a more detailed discussion that you think wouldn't be useful for the list.
ab2tc wrote
I am using Nabble, but finding that the list of topics (threads) in the "topics" section is rather incomplete. Am I the only one having this problem and if so what am I doing wrong? I read the list using but if I want to reply I want to use Nabble for convenience and lots of times the message isn't there. Yes, I know there is sometimes a delay, but that is not the only problem.
Example: Nowhere on Nabble can I find the recent messages regarding today's SSB net and the QSY down to 14.314. I have been wanting to support this move as I too have a carrier on 14.318 (3x4.772MHz TV color burst) with a resulting 2kHz whistle on 14.316. The manual notch does a fair job of reducing, but not eliminating it as the interference is rather wide and "dirty".
AB2TC - Knut