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Does KX3 retain K3's QRQ/CW, and filter BW encoder?

Posted by Andrew Moore-3 on May 20, 2011; 9:04pm
URL: http://elecraft.85.s1.nabble.com/Does-KX3-retain-K3-s-QRQ-CW-and-filter-BW-encoder-tp6387861.html

Does the KX3 retain all the "QRQ CW" enhancements/performance that the K3
went through and finally achieved?

Does the KX3 offer "variable filter bandwidth" as the default mode for one
of the rotary encoders, as the K3 does?

Several months ago I described my ideal rig as one with K3 modernizations,
performance, look & feel, but in a smaller, less complex package like the

I think this product fits it - with the usual Elecraft innovation.
 Congrats, Elecrew.

--Andrew, NV1B
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