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Re: Elecraft KX3 - introduction video now on the QRP ARCIwebsite

Posted by John KLim on May 21, 2011; 6:20am
URL: http://elecraft.85.s1.nabble.com/Elecraft-KX3-introduction-video-now-on-the-QRP-ARCI-website-tp6388745p6388781.html

HI all,

What a great FD and portable radio.

How much might it cost, any ideas?  

I need to know so I can save for it. After I finish saving for the KPA500
purchase, I possibly will be buying a KX3.

John R. Klim II
10-10:  68135
30MDG:  1820
QSL:  LoTW, Bureau, Direct, eQSL as a courtesy

-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Steve, G4GXL
Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2011 1:40 AM
To: QRP-L; QRP-L; Elecraft Reflector; gqrp club gqrp club
Subject: [Elecraft] Elecraft KX3 - introduction video now on the QRP

The recording of Wayne's quick Elecraft KX3 tour is now available on
the QRP ARCI website - www.qrparci.org

Steve, G4GXL
QRP ARCI Webmaster and Board Member - www.qrparci.org
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Member: QRP ARCI, G-QRP, TAPR, ARRL, BATC, UK Microwave Group
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