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Re: Elecraft KX3

Posted by wayne burdick on May 21, 2011; 11:08am
URL: http://elecraft.85.s1.nabble.com/Elecraft-KX3-introduction-video-now-on-the-QRP-ARCI-website-tp6388745p6389214.html

Safety, handling, cost, and flexibility during emergencies all favor AA cells Also, we all have stashes of NiMH cells already :)

Other battery types can be accommodated, but 8 AAs plus internal  NiMH charger is what we'll offer initially. Of course there's also a 2.1-mm jack for an external supply/battery.



On May 21, 2011, at 4:52 AM, "Jim Balls" <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Don't understand the use of NIMH cells with the current crop of LI-PO cells
> massively out perform in size, weight and capacity.
> Thoughts?
> Maybe safety concerns?
> Jim
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