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Re: KX3: Sorry, YouTube video removed

Posted by Andrew Moore-3 on May 21, 2011; 5:04pm
URL: http://elecraft.85.s1.nabble.com/KX3-Sorry-YouTube-video-removed-tp6388615p6389809.html

No; G4GXL asked me to take it down simply because "it wasn't yours to copy"
(and I assume because he planned to post it later) -- despite my good
intentions aimed at letting those who missed the live stream be able to see

While I'm disappointed in his unwillingness to let it slide for the good of
Elecraft and the ham community, I'm sure he's disappointed in the fact that
I recorded his recording without asking him first.

Bottom line: It's his work, so I believe he gets to make the call.  No
grudges here, I'm grateful to him for helping to make it happen, and for
Wayne to take the time to give the overview.

His recording is certainly better quality than mine :)

We're approaching off-topic so many best to end the thread.

--Andrew, NV1B

On Sat, May 21, 2011 at 12:13 PM, Jim Lowman <[hidden email]> wrote:

> A 10-minute+ video is available on the ARCI website of Wayne's KX3 demo.
> Maybe that's the reason that it was asked that it be taken down.
> I don't know the legalities involved, or who would have ownership of
> such a presentation.
> If anyone, I would think that it would be Elecraft to make that call.
> Unless there's some stipulation regarding photos/video on the property,
> I'd think that anything would be fair game.
> But, since ARCI was so quick to post the demo on their website, I think
> we can safely assume that there was no conspiracy theory or profit
> motive on the part of ARCI.
> Might be nice for someone to make an official statement about this.
> 72/73 de Jim - AD6CW
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