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Re: KX3 Baseband filter?

Posted by k6dgw on May 21, 2011; 9:30pm
URL: http://elecraft.85.s1.nabble.com/KX3-Baseband-filter-tp6389556p6390320.html

"QSD" has always meant, "Your keying is defective."  I'm guessing that
isn't what's meant here?


Fred K6DGW
- Northern California Contest Club
- CU in the 2011 Cal QSO Party 1-2 Oct 2011
- www.cqp.org

On 5/21/2011 8:30 AM, Paul Christensen wrote:

> With the KX3's QSD down-convert architecture, my guess is that all
> performance parameters will be superb, with BDR specs probably well behind
> the K3.
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