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Re: Is the KX3 going to be sold as a kit?

Posted by Matt Zilmer on Jun 03, 2011; 2:34pm
URL: http://elecraft.85.s1.nabble.com/Is-the-KX3-going-to-be-sold-as-a-kit-tp6434864p6435536.html

Also, note that one of the main advantages to SMT is process control.
Parts can be placed and soldered VERY accurately.

Hand-soldering SMT, even large components like 2012's is much less
well controlled than the design might need to function properly.  And
some of the KX3 components are in the "tiny" category (generally 0402
and smaller is too fine to work by hand).

matt W6NIA

On Fri, 03 Jun 2011 09:27:57 -0400, you wrote:

>  Harry,
>I would say "not a chance" of getting your KX3 kit with SMDs in a bag.
>Just take a look at the support questions that occur with those kits
>using thru-hole construction, and then imagine the number of support
>questions that would occur if some of the general ham population tried
>to assemble an SMD kit.  Requests for extra parts because some had been
>launched into "never-never land" with tweezers too tightly held would
>increase the Elecraft mailing expense significantly.
>I expect the labor required to kit such an assembly would be more than
>they are paying the board houses for assembled boards.
>While it might be interesting and fun for a few, it just is not cost
>Don W3FPR
>On 6/3/2011 7:15 AM, harry weston wrote:
>> Hello
>> Sorry if this question has already been answered elsewhere. I built a K2 in
>> 2002  and a Kx1 in 2004.  My idea of delight now is a kit of parts and a hot
>> iron. I'd like to have a go at a KX3 if it is a kit, and to suggest that it
>> could be supplied in three forms. !) fully assembled 2) as a kit with the SMDs
>> already assembled, and 3) for those, like me, who are confident with soldering
>> SMDs, with only the components (like BGAs)  you can't fix with a soldering iron
>> already in place. I'd love to go for 3) -- any chance?
>> Best wishes all and 73, Harry Weston M1ETU and M0SOP
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