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Re: Is the KX3 going to be sold as a kit?

Posted by Ken Alexander-2 on Jun 03, 2011; 3:56pm
URL: http://elecraft.85.s1.nabble.com/Is-the-KX3-going-to-be-sold-as-a-kit-tp6434864p6435830.html

Wayne (or maybe it was Eric) already announced that the KX3 would be available as a no-solder "final assembly" type of kit, or fully assembled, just like the K3.

I already have two Softrock receiver kits that I've just about given up on because of multiple problems trying to install surface mount components.  Something as complex as a KX3 would have me in tears before I finished unpacking it!!

And by the way, if anyone here has experience with Softrock kits and could complete my kits for a modest fee, I'd be interested in hearing from you.


Ken Alexander,

--- On Fri, 6/3/11, Paul Christensen <[hidden email]> wrote:

From: Paul Christensen <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Is the KX3 going to be sold as a kit?
To: [hidden email]
Date: Friday, June 3, 2011, 11:44 AM

> Perhaps, even Elecraft offered a SMD-kit at a price 3 times of the
> assembled version, it might not be good enough to earn a reasonable
> business profit in view of the possible manpower involved. Perhaps, only
> through hole components kits can maintain some profits.

Another issue is the attrition that occurs when attempting an SMD kit.  For
this reason, many SMD kits are either not started, or they're abandoned
shortly after commencement of construction.  I've purchased several SMD kits
on the used market where perhaps 5% of the kit is completed, and some have
been poorly constructed.

In the case of a kit like a KX3 that involves many SMD parts, it would
undoubtedly lead to many unfinished kits and some very unhappy customers,
most of whom are not good with personal due-diligence.  Even though that
onus is on the buyer to find what they're up against before the purchase,
some people will resent the kit supplier when they're left with a box full
of some very expensive parts and few takers who are willing to finish a
previously-started kit at a fair price.

Paul, W9AC

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