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Re: Bluetooth handsfree interface [was: KX3 netbook]

Posted by Joe Subich, W4TV-4 on Jun 03, 2011; 7:53pm
URL: http://elecraft.85.s1.nabble.com/Re-Bluetooth-handsfree-interface-was-KX3-netbook-tp6436130p6436639.html

> If someone could design a decent affordable bluetooth headset with a
> reasonable PTT mechanism, I believe the radio world would beat a path
> to your door. "Reasonable" DOES NOT mean having to push a button on
> the ear piece.

Unfortunately, as soon as one adds a hand operated PTT switch, the
device is no longer "hands free" under most of the regulations.  Better
carry a copy of the statutes that exempt amateur radio operators and
a copy of one's amateur license.


    ... Joe, W4TV

On 6/3/2011 1:24 PM, Dave New, N8SBE wrote:

> Actually, a bluetooth interface, especially for headset use, is a
> serious consideration.
> Most states have enacted a patchwork of anti-cellphone laws that to a
> greater or lesser degree adversely impact amateur (and other) radio
> operators.  The purpose of this comment is NOT to start a thread on
> whether or not these various laws have merit.  Rather, it is to set the
> background for a request to support handsfree usage of frankly, any of
> the phone rigs that Elecraft markets.
> There is a 3rd party that markets a bolt-on system to use with most any
> rig, but it is pricey (several hundred dollars) and clumsy (it seems
> that NO ONE makes a decent bluetooth headset for PTT operators).
> And that turns out to be the real challenge.  If someone could design a
> decent affordable bluetooth headset with a reasonable PTT mechanism, I
> believe the radio world would beat a path to your door.  "Reasonable"
> DOES NOT mean having to push a button on the ear piece.
> My apologies if this has been hashed to death on here before.  I'm about
> a year behind reading all the older email on this list.
> 73,
> -- Dave, N8SBE
>> -------- Original Message --------
>> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] KX3 netbook
>> From: "Leigh L. Klotz Jr WA5ZNU"<[hidden email]>
>> Date: Thu, June 02, 2011 6:12 pm
>> To: [hidden email]
>> Byron N6NUL  wrote:
>>> Ok, Eric, you asked for it.  Ready?  Here we go:
>>> How about adding Bluetooth stereo audio, microphone, keyboard, and serial
>>> profiles to the KX3?
>> The HFPack crowd would like this to, as I opined earlier.  Stick radio in
>> back, operate remotely from hand-held device (homebrew or commercial).
>> Leigh/WA5ZNU
>> --
>> View this message in context: http://elecraft.365791.n2.nabble.com/KX3-netbook-tp6428867p6433099.html
>> Sent from the Elecraft mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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