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Re: Bluetooth handsfree interface [was: KX3 netbook]

Posted by Dave New, N8SBE on Jun 03, 2011; 9:27pm
URL: http://elecraft.85.s1.nabble.com/Re-Bluetooth-handsfree-interface-was-KX3-netbook-tp6436130p6437025.html


Someone recently had written an article (in QST?) about re-purposing
some of the steering-wheel mounted switches in his vehicle.  He was
snooping on the vehicle bus for this application.  Not for the timid, I
would think, and pretty specialized by vehicle manufacturer.

Otherwise, mounting a PPT switch somehow on the wheel, assuming the
mechanical issues are overcome -- how do you route the wiring, or if it
is wireless itself, how do you get power to it, or does it use a small
button cell battery?

You can see that the devil is in the details.


You probably have a point, but not every state or locality has that
particular restriction.  In the few cases I've studied, they seem to
dwell on hand held devices.  If you have a PPT switch clipped to your
shirt, you may be OK.  But of course, we all know that the arresting
officer is not being paid to make judgement calls of that sort.

I'd rather not debate the legalities on this list, since that could very
quickly explode into something that Eric would have to squash.

I just brought it up as a thought starter for the 'wish list', if the
Elecraft folks could come up with an imaginative way to implement this
at a reasonable cost.  I live in SE Michigan, and right now, I can't use
my amateur equipment in nearby Ontario when mobile, because they have a
"no handheld devices, except first responders" law in effect.  Cramps my
style, you see. 8-)


-- Dave, N8SBE

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Bluetooth handsfree interface [was: KX3
> netbook]
> From: "~BG~" <[hidden email]>
> Date: Fri, June 03, 2011 4:13 pm
> To: [hidden email]
> Mount the switch on the steering wheel? (ala car stereo controls)
> ./Ben
> > Unfortunately, as soon as one adds a hand operated PTT switch, the
> > device is no longer "hands free" under most of the regulations.  Better
> > carry a copy of the statutes that exempt amateur radio operators and
> > a copy of one's amateur license.
> >
> > 73,
> >
> >    ... Joe, W4TV
> >
> >
> >
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