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Re: KX3 dimensions?

Posted by w7aqk on Oct 21, 2011; 4:10pm
URL: http://elecraft.85.s1.nabble.com/KX3-dimensions-tp6914891p6917383.html

Hi All,

Shortly after the KX3 was announced and described, I started contemplating
just what radios I own that it could replace.  Several radios I own were
obvious candidates for replacement, but the FT-817 wasn't immediately that
obvious.  That was due to the exceptionally small size of the FT-817, plus
it's equally exceptional "all band" capabilities.  However, I did a rough
calculation of volume for each radio, and I came up with approximately the
same results that Wayne has posted (his calculations are surely more precise
than mine).  The KX3 is, indeed, smaller!  It's perhaps a bit counter
intuitive when you just look at the two, since the KX3 is wider and higher.
The weight differential, which favors the KX3, is substantial.  Performance
wise, I'm sure the KX3 will blow the FT-817 away.

Different people will have different priorities, so there's no "right
answer".  For me, the FT-817 will probably lose 95% of it's appeal once I
get my hands on a KX3.  The concession will be access to VHF/UHF, but I find
my HT to be more than adequate as a supplement, and what I use mostly
anyway.  Besides, I've always felt the FT-817 was almost too small--the
display is hard to read, and the controls are difficult to access.  I've
never liked the menu system on most Yaesu's anyway.  Still, my FT-817 has
been a very frequent companion for me.  It's been a relatively flawless
performer for a good while, and well worth every nickel I spent on it.  It's
no surprise to me that this has been one of the most successful pieces of
ham gear ever produced.  Nevertheless, the KX3 looks to me like the perfect
radio for QRP Field Day and similar activities.

I will be most interested to see how the HF Packer folks respond to the KX3.
I'm not one myself, but they are a very innovative group when it comes to
implementing small radios.  Since radios like the FT-817 and IC-703 are
relative power hogs compared to the KX3, I suspect that will be another very
significant factor.  It's always a lot of fun watching these folks "do their
thing", as was the case most recently at Pacificon.  Bonnie, KQ6XA, was
putting out a very potent signal with her setup at Pacificon, and knocking
off contacts one right after another.  She was getting better signal reports
than I was using my 100 watt mobile setup!  Anyway, I can already visualize
how HF Packers will fabricate a way of mounting a KX3 in front of them and
having substantially enhanced operating ergonomics in the process.

As Terry, WA0ITP says, "I love this stuff!"  Even as a spectator!

Dave W7AQK

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