Posted by
wayne burdick on
Oct 21, 2011; 4:19pm
Hi Dave,
I did a presentation at the Pacificon HFpack forum titled "HFpack Lite
and the Elecraft KX3," in which I proposed a 5-pound (total) variation
on HFpack. It is based on the KX3, a very lightweight antenna,
external Li battery, and a hypothetical mic-on-steroids that could
control the radio while it is in the backpack -- including turning it
on/off. The talk was very well received, with lots of input on
possible antennas, etc., from the audience. Bonnie was there, and
later stopped by our booth, which I interpreted as a celebrity
I'd be happy to send you my powerpoint presentation, although it is
long on illustrations and short on explanations. You'll have to use a
bit of imagination.
> I will be most interested to see how the HF Packer folks respond to
> the KX3.
> I'm not one myself, but they are a very innovative group when it
> comes to
> implementing small radios. Since radios like the FT-817 and IC-703
> are
> relative power hogs compared to the KX3, I suspect that will be
> another very
> significant factor. It's always a lot of fun watching these folks
> "do their
> thing", as was the case most recently at Pacificon. Bonnie, KQ6XA,
> was
> putting out a very potent signal with her setup at Pacificon, and
> knocking
> off contacts one right after another. She was getting better signal
> reports
> than I was using my 100 watt mobile setup! Anyway, I can already
> visualize
> how HF Packers will fabricate a way of mounting a KX3 in front of
> them and
> having substantially enhanced operating ergonomics in the process.
> As Terry, WA0ITP says, "I love this stuff!" Even as a spectator!
> Dave W7AQK
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