Posted by
wayne burdick on
Oct 21, 2011; 6:32pm
Hi Lance,
> ...wanted to ask if there would/could be some way to:
> 1. Add an external preamp for 6m, as is done with the K3. If I am
> to use this as a portable radio for 6m EME DXpeditions, it will be
> imperative to be able to add a preamp in the receive line.
We can't tap into the KX3's internal RX path directly. However, a
preamp could be inserted externally in conjunction with a T/R switch.
We have enough general-purpose outputs on the KX3 to control such a
unit. Also, we're looking into the possibility of integrating a 6-
meter LNA into the BPF array to obtain a very low 6-m NF.
> 2. Control the PTT line on the KX3 from the computer's Serial Port
> RTS or CTS lines. JT65A switches the radio into transmit by first
> raising RTS and CTS lines on the computer's serial port. After
> about half a second the JT65A tones begin, leaving enough time to
> switch the antenna relays and turn on the amplifier without hot
> switching anything. This works great in the K3, and I hope there
> will be the same logic in the KX3.
You'd have to split the RTS or CTS line out from the computer's RS232
connector and route it to the mic jack's PTT line. If there were
enough demand for such a cable, we might offer one as an option.
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