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KX3 vs FT817 - how do the "inside dimensions" compare?

Posted by DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL on Oct 22, 2011; 10:55am
URL: http://elecraft.85.s1.nabble.com/KX3-vs-FT817-how-do-the-inside-dimensions-compare-tp6919846.html

No, not physical dimensions, but RX specs.

You show us what the 817 looks like here (in the big table...just
scroll down a little to see the table and then to near the bottom for
the 817):  http://www.elecraft.com/K2_perf.htm

I know the KX3 isn't "finalized" but it must be pretty close...it's
almost November, right!

I know it won't be a "K3," but would love to see the "close in" specs
(5kc, 2kc) for with vs without the various "roofing filters."

Any rough numbers yet (plus/minus)?????

de Doug KR2Q
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