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Re: KX3 vs FT817 - how do the "inside dimensions" compare?

Posted by Matthew Pitts on Oct 22, 2011; 12:32pm
URL: http://elecraft.85.s1.nabble.com/KX3-vs-FT817-how-do-the-inside-dimensions-compare-tp6919846p6920031.html


Maybe, but the FT-817 doesn't need anything except maybe the CW filter; if all you're interested in is CW on 80-10 and don't ever intend to hook a transverter to it, the out of box K2 is fine. I have both, so I have the option of using them for different purposes; the 817 is my go radio, and the K2 is my home station radio.

Matthew Pitts

Sent from my Wireless Device

-----Original Message-----
From: vr2xmc <[hidden email]>
Sender: [hidden email]
Date: Sat, 22 Oct 2011 19:51:19
To: DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL<[hidden email]>
Cc: Elecraft Reflector<[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] KX3 vs FT817 - how do the "inside dimensions"

Ft817 was past decade technology. I once used it but eventually replaced it with k2. Ft817 receives everything but difficult to select anything. There is also no built in atu and speech compressor in ft817.

Ft817 was a popular qrp rig but it is now the time for its glorious retirement. 73 Johnny

Sent from my  iPhone 4

DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL <[hidden email]> 於 2011年10月22日 下午6:55 寫道:

> No, not physical dimensions, but RX specs.
> You show us what the 817 looks like here (in the big table...just
> scroll down a little to see the table and then to near the bottom for
> the 817):  http://www.elecraft.com/K2_perf.htm
> I know the KX3 isn't "finalized" but it must be pretty close...it's
> almost November, right!
> I know it won't be a "K3," but would love to see the "close in" specs
> (5kc, 2kc) for with vs without the various "roofing filters."
> Any rough numbers yet (plus/minus)?????
> de Doug KR2Q
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