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Re: KX3 vs FT817 - how do the "insidedimensions" compare?

Posted by David Christ on Oct 23, 2011; 9:41pm
URL: http://elecraft.85.s1.nabble.com/KX3-vs-FT817-how-do-the-inside-dimensions-compare-tp6919846p6923067.html

Depends on what you are trying to accomplish.  If it is to prove you
can pick up the signal direct through the air then SWL is the name of
the game.  (DXing is two way SWL i guess).  But if it is truly the
content you are interested in then Internet radio is the thing.  Yes,
you can do it with the computer but I just bought an Internet radio
from C Crane.
Best way of listening to foreign radio stations I have run into.
Great for listening to a lot of home town stations, too.

Now back to that two way SWL stuff on my K3

David K0LUM

At 1:44 PM -0700 10/23/11, Rick Bates wrote:
>While we're OT, does someone have an accurate AND current list of general
>coverage things to listen in on?  I used to love to do that, until I got
>licensed and could actually talk to those far away places.  And my exchange
>students were impressed and amused when I could hand them a current issue
>the Kyodo daily news (via FAX) with their breakfast.  ;-)
>Rick WA6NHC
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