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Re: KX3 I/Q SDR questions

Posted by wayne burdick on Nov 03, 2011; 8:20pm
URL: http://elecraft.85.s1.nabble.com/KX3-I-Q-SDR-questions-tp6960402p6960445.html

Richard Fjeld wrote:

> --What software(s) did you try when testing the I/Q SDR signals  
> coming out of the KX3?

HDSDR, freeware written by I2PHD and now maintained by a German group (www.hdsdr.de
). But it should work with any package that supports receive I/Q  

> --Has, or is, anyone in the process of modifying SDR software to  
> provide control between the KX3 radio and computer?

Not yet. But note that the KX3 supports the same rich remote-control  
command set as the K3, which means it will work with HRD and other  
third-party applications.

> --Will Elecraft be offering any software?

We'll have KX3 Utility which is used for firmware loading, general  
configuration, and command testing. We might offer other applications  
in the future.

> --What price range and type (USB vs. internal) was the soundcard used?

EMU 0202, $100 typical (used), USB external.

> Any other comments would be appreciated.

Works great :)


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