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Re: KX3 I/Q SDR questions

Posted by Dave KK7SS on Nov 04, 2011; 4:56pm
URL: http://elecraft.85.s1.nabble.com/KX3-I-Q-SDR-questions-tp6960402p6963424.html


Many Thanks <g>

Dave G  KK7SS
 Richland, WA

'59 Morris Minor 1000 - working on it :|
'65 Sprite - running :)
'76 Midget - co-owned with #4 Son :)
'06 Honda Civic Hybrid

----- "Lyle Johnson" <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Linux, Mac, PC - it all depends on the software developer community.
> I would expect Linrad to work very well with the KX3, for example.  In
> the end, it is just a baseband I/Q output from the KX3.  Any
> soundcard+software combination that works with a softrock receiver,
> for example, should work with the KX3.
> Whether or not the program that handles the I/Q stream also controls
> the radio is a different matter.  Some will, some won't, and some may...
> someday.
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