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KX3 I/Q SDR questions

Posted by Richard Fjeld on Nov 07, 2011; 7:40am
URL: http://elecraft.85.s1.nabble.com/KX3-I-Q-SDR-questions-tp6960402p6969442.html

Due to Wayne's prompt reply to my questions, I went to the website mentioned and downloaded HDSDR software and learned that OmniRig software DOES offer control between the radio and HDSDR.

I found no guide or instructions, but I stumbled through it and got HDSDR with OmniRig to work. It will change freq and modes from radio to HDSDR and vice versa.  I don't know how to set things up properly yet, so it is not completely user friendly at this point.  I will look into the user group listed on one of the web-pages for some info. Even though I have a P3, I would like to see the SDR-IF receiver-only project that I built be a useful success.

People with KX3's should find it easier to enter the computerized pan-adapter world as it will plug directly into a computer soundcard without the need to build, or provide, an SDR-IF receiver. Plus, from what I read, I am assuming it will be a SDR transceiver. That will be interesting.

Richard Fjeld, n0ce
[hidden email]
I'd rather be learning.

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