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Re: KX3 I/Q SDR questions

Posted by Tony Estep on Nov 07, 2011; 3:59pm
URL: http://elecraft.85.s1.nabble.com/KX3-I-Q-SDR-questions-tp6960402p6970897.html

On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 1:40 AM, Richard Fjeld <[hidden email]>wrote:

> ....People with KX3's should find it easier to enter the computerized
> pan-adapter world as it will plug directly into a computer....

I would add to Richard's comment that the KX3 design appears to me to be an
ideal implementation of SDR for amateur purposes. I have played around
quite a bit with SDRs. I've owned 2 Flex radios and have 2 Softrocks, and
that experience has convinced me that the actual signal detection, DSP
filtering and processing, etc. should all be done inside the radio, not by
a general-purpose PC. Today's SDRs are an interesting proof of concept, but
as operating ham rigs they have insuperable flaws that result mainly from
trying to get a PC to do tasks that would be much better done by a
special-purpose computing system with a suitable OS and tailored data paths.

The computerized panadapter is quite neat and I have found it to be even
more useful than the very useful P3 (I use PSDR-IF, but there are many
more; see the LP-Pan home page and/or many other SDR pages for samples).
However, to use it with an analog radio like the K3, you need extra
gadgetry and complexity in the shack. I'm really looking forward to getting
my hands on a KX3. Perhaps after it hits the market, ham rigs will start to
provide I-Q output as standard equipment. That would be a step forward for
ham radio, and another chapter in Elecraft's history of innovations in the

Tony KT0NY

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