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Re: KX3 I/Q SDR questions

Posted by Richard Fjeld on Nov 07, 2011; 9:32pm
URL: http://elecraft.85.s1.nabble.com/KX3-I-Q-SDR-questions-tp6960402p6972196.html

Thanks Dave,

My comments were to address only the pan-adapter aspect.  The SDR-IF
receiver was the means to achieve a seemingly low cost computerized
pan-adapter. (I acknowledge that the SDR receiver offers unique features. No
argument.) I will be interested to see where a 192 KHz card can be bought
for $120.

I have been trying to run PSDR-IF on an HP with a P4 at 3 GHz.  with a 96
KHz SoundBlaster card.  The image problem makes it unusable. Yet WinRad
displays fine. I've used both a Softrock and an LP-PAN.

I have a friend, and I read about others, who are trying to make it work on
other radios with the same problem.  We can't find the solution. I have been
told that others are successful. Perhaps it lies with the Video Card which
you omitted in your cost estimates.

Dick, n0ce

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Gilbert" <[hidden email]>
To: <[hidden email]>
Sent: Monday, November 07, 2011 2:13 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] KX3 I/Q SDR questions

> "I have to ask what type of soundcard and computer you are using to
> accomplish this?
> Also, would you include the total value of your package if I were to
> purchase the same?"
> That's kind of like figuring in the cost of your shack, tower, or
> antennas.  If you already have a decent computer and sound card, the
> relevant answer would be zero additional cost since there is some very
> competent free SDR software out there and the KX3 isn't going to require
> anything else except an inexpensive cable.  I'm not sure any of that will
> be any more difficult to install than doing P3 and K3 firmware updates.
> Worst case, if I didn't already have them, I might factor in the cost of a
> high end sound card, a video card with outputs for two monitors, and a
> second monitor.
> But just for the sake of argument, a dedicated computer with great
> software flexibility can be purchased new (or factory refurbished) for
> less than $300; a low noise, high dynamic range sound card capable of 192
> KHz band coverage for maybe $120 (see N8LP's list of suggested models);
> and a dedicated monitor with much larger size and resolution than the P3
> for around $100.
> To each his own, but I think KT0NY is totally correct and I think Elecraft
> has done an admirable thing by including I/Q outputs in the KX3.  If the
> KX3 turns out to be significantly less susceptible to mushing of multiple
> low level in-band signals than the K3, the combination of that and the I/Q
> outputs might even be enough to make me sell my K3 and buy a KX3.
> Dave   AB7E

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