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Re: KX3 I/Q SDR questions

Posted by Sebastian, W4AS on Nov 07, 2011; 9:57pm
URL: http://elecraft.85.s1.nabble.com/KX3-I-Q-SDR-questions-tp6960402p6972233.html

What image problem do you mean?  If you are seeing a ghost, or the same signal on both sides of the center, then you have a ground loop.  Try removing the ground of the power cable, or the audio cable, and see if it goes away.  

If you have a 'hump' just in the center, then that is common of sound card based SDRs.  Although some software, such as SDR-Radio, will remove some of it.

73 de Sebastian, W4AS

On Nov 7, 2011, at 4:32 PM, Richard Fjeld wrote:

> Thanks Dave,
> I have been trying to run PSDR-IF on an HP with a P4 at 3 GHz.  with a 96
> KHz SoundBlaster card.  The image problem makes it unusable. Yet WinRad
> displays fine. I've used both a Softrock and an LP-PAN.
> I have a friend, and I read about others, who are trying to make it work on
> other radios with the same problem.  We can't find the solution. I have been
> told that others are successful. Perhaps it lies with the Video Card which
> you omitted in your cost estimates.
> Dick, n0ce

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