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Re: KX3 for Christmas?

Posted by Eric Swartz - WA6HHQ on Nov 24, 2011; 12:07am
URL: http://elecraft.85.s1.nabble.com/KX3-for-Christmas-tp6968912p7026653.html

Closer to $899 for the kit.

73, Eric


On 11/23/2011 1:19 PM, Dave KQ3T wrote:

> This is what Wayne posted back in August, the estimate may have been
> updated since then:
> --------------------
> John Westmoreland wrote:
>> What is the ballpark cost for the KX3?
> Our target is still $799 for the basic 160-6 meter/10 watt/all-mode
> KX3 kit, less options. Slightly higher when factory assembled. Prices
> were based on cost of parts in May, and everything is going up
> industry-wide, so it's possible prices may change by the time we start
> shipping.
> ...
> 73, Wayne N6KR
> -------------------------------
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