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Dust cover for the KX3

Posted by Rose on Nov 28, 2011; 8:06pm
URL: http://elecraft.85.s1.nabble.com/Dust-cover-for-the-KX3-tp7040202.html

I've been working with Wayne at Elecraft on a dust cover for
the KX3.  Prototypes have been sent back and forth, and a
design is almost finalized.

The paddle assembly will be an option, and I'd like to know
if there are those who would -not- purchase the paddles, and
therefore would not want an opening in the cover for them.

We'll address a potential padded case next.  It's a complex
issue, with many concepts of what "extras" might be added
over and above the KX3.

Stay tuned, and


Rose - N7HKW
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