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Re: KX3/P3 - clueless in NJ

Posted by Bruce Beford-2 on Dec 18, 2011; 8:42pm
URL: http://elecraft.85.s1.nabble.com/KX3-P3-clueless-in-NJ-tp7106475p7106512.html

I think of the KX3 as a radio that will have multi-use appeal. Yes, it
should be a fine TFR, with great performance. It can also be a great camp
radio, on the table in the RV or cabin. With the use of the (to come)
KXPA100, It can be 100 W at the desk or in the car, and a super QRP rig on
the trail or in the kayak.

For many, it could be the ideal radio to grow with you. Remember the
Foundation license in the UK is limited to 10W max. Get the amp after you
upgrade, instead of a whole new rig.

I think a product that may have some appeal is a slimmed-down version of the
P3 for portable use. Perhaps the same thickness as the KX3. There's a lot of
spare room in the current desktop version. In fact, the case was made out of
steel to give it some weight so it wouldn't move around on the desk.

How about this- a version of the P3 specifically for the KX3- it hinges over
the front panel, protecting the knobs while in transport. Flip it up for
normal operation, with a full featured panadapter above radio faceplate. I'd
buy one.

Bruce, N1RX

>Please explain why someone would want to use a P3 with a "trail radio,"
>which runs off of batteries?  Doesn't dragging a P3 along sort of defeat
>the idea of ultra-portability for operation from "the field?"
>Help me to better understand.
>de Doug KR2Q

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