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Re: KX3/P3 - clueless in NJ

Posted by Doug Faunt N6TQS +1-510-655-8604 on Dec 18, 2011; 8:59pm
URL: http://elecraft.85.s1.nabble.com/KX3-P3-clueless-in-NJ-tp7106475p7106529.html

On 18-Dec-11 20:42, Bruce Beford wrote:

> How about this- a version of the P3 specifically for the KX3- it hinges over
> the front panel, protecting the knobs while in transport. Flip it up for
> normal operation, with a full featured panadapter above radio faceplate. I'd
> buy one.
> 73,
> Bruce, N1RX
This might also be useful for the K3 for larger DXpedition use.  A small
screen and repackaged P3 would be somewhat easier to add to a K3/KPA500
transportable package.

All airlines are getting more restrictive in their baggage rules.
73, doug

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