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Re: KX3/P3 - clueless in NJ

Posted by Jim Brown-10 on Dec 18, 2011; 9:59pm
URL: http://elecraft.85.s1.nabble.com/KX3-P3-clueless-in-NJ-tp7106475p7106618.html

On 12/18/2011 12:12 PM, DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL wrote:
> Please explain why someone would want to use a P3 with a "trail radio,"
> which runs off of batteries?

It's not ONLY a trail radio -- it also can be the control head for a
100W mobile rig with the 100W amp (or a bigger one) in the trunk or
under the seat, or part of a medium cost desktop rig with the amp under
the bench. That's part of the genius of this design!

73, Jim K9YC
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