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Re: another kpa500 question

Posted by N7US on Dec 29, 2011; 6:48pm
URL: http://elecraft.85.s1.nabble.com/Another-KPA500-question-tp7134629p7136464.html

What switch(es) have adequate isolation to switch an antenna between two

73, Jim N7US

-----Original Message-----

K9YC said in part:  "

"So -- all I have to do to switch between the two amps is to choose Ant1 or
Ant 2, switch the antennas between the two amps, and reset the drive level"

Thanks Jim, that is exactly the response I was hoping for.  My big amp is
now a TT Titan III. I retired a pair of 425's a few years ago.  My plan is
to have dpdt relay on the output side of the amps, and switch the ptt lead
open or thru on the Titan when it is off or in line.  Switching between the
two will be a single external switch throw, a push of ant 1/2 button on the
k3 and hitting the standby/operate switches on the amplifiers. No excuse now
not to order a KPA500.  I'm looking forward to it.  HNY  73 bob de w9ge

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