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Posted by Johnny Siu on Dec 30, 2011; 4:38am
URL: http://elecraft.85.s1.nabble.com/FT817-Vs-ELECRAFT-tp7137140p7137343.html

Yes, Ken.  I think the major difference is that I don't operate V/U or 6m cw/ssb in portable situation.

TNX & 73,

Johnny VR2XMC

從︰ Ken Alexander <[hidden email]>
收件人︰ [hidden email]
傳送日期︰ 2011年12月30日 (週五) 12:04 PM
主題︰ Re: [Elecraft] [FT817] Vs ELECRAFT

Hi Johnny,

I like my K2, but I've never regretted selling a transceiver more than
when I sold my FT-817.  Mostly because I like VHF/UHF.

The list price for an FT-817 here is $695 + $69 (for the W4RT OBP speech
processor) + $284 (for the most expensive 2-Collins-filter package from
W4RT) = $1048 total cost.  The list price for K2 with SSB, 160m, 3
transverters and the transverter interface to give identical band
coverage = ~$2300 (Gasp!  And I don't get FM!).  I left out optional
audio filters and (more importantly) the internal battery option, which
I should add to be fair.  (* - I chose the most expensive option)  Gee,
when I do the math I regret it even more!

I'd LOVE to see an HT that produces 5 watts on 6 and 2m and 70cm...on
all modes!

A K2 can produce more output than an FT-817, but if you're so concerned
about current draw on receive then should you really be transmitting
with two to three times the power?  10 to 15 watts (versus 5) on
transmit will run down a battery a lot faster than a few hundred
milliamps on receive.


Ken Alexander

On 29/12/2011 8:02 PM, Johnny Siu wrote:

> Hello Elecrafters,

> I posted below in the FT817 yahoo group.  I am now ready for the possibily of being fired upon.
> TNX&  73,
> Johnny VR2XMC
> ----- 轉寄的郵件 ----
> 從︰ Johnny Siu<[hidden email]>
> 收件人︰ "[hidden email]"<[hidden email]>
> 傳送日期︰ 2011年12月30日 (週五) 8:54 AM
> 主題︰ [FT817] ELECRAFT

> I once used FT817ND for portable operation but I eventually gave it  up and replaced it by a K2. My reasons are:

> 1.  I was disappointed by the RX performance of FT817 and K2 is far better.  FT817 is hot enough to receive everything but I cannot select the station I wanted - very poor selectivity indeed;
> 2.  Current drain of K2 is as low as 180ma;
> 3.  Built-in ATU of K2 (swr 10:1) is convenivent;
> 4.  Built-in speech processor of K2 gives much more talk power;
> 5.  K2 can deliver more power at 10-15W;
> 6.  The V/U operation of FT817 can be covered by H/T
> 7.  A full loaded FT817 with filters, OBP processor etc is not that cheap

> Most of the above rationale also applies to the decision between KX3 Vs FT817 though it is not quite an apple to apple comparison.  Having said that, I still consider FT817 is very value for money because its price in VR2 is less than US$600.

> With the coming of KX3, I notice many good deals for used K2.  If you do not too keen on v/u, used K2 could be a good buy.
> TNX&  73,
> Johnny VR2XMC
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