> What will the 2m transverter receive range be? Will it be able to
> receive
> WX @ 162mhz?
Best guess: 143-149 MHz, with higher losses outside this range. I
doubt that we would have useful sensitivity at 162 MHz, but we'll know
soon enough.
> In a message dated 12/30/2011 11:50:43 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,
> [hidden email] writes:
> Thomas Horsten wrote:
>> Not stopping me from getting a KX3 (I've already ordered mine), but
>> to completely replace my FT-817 it *would* be nice with 2m/70cm
>> support. As I understand it the internal 2m module comes at the
>> expense of the ATU, so I guess that won't be an option for me. The
>> "killer KX3" would have both the ATU and not only 2m but also 70cm
>> operation, but I guess that just can't be done in the space
>> available.
> Actually, it can. You'll be able to install the ATU and transverter
> at
> the same time, or either separately.
> 73,
> Wayne
> N6KR
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