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Re: KX3 Transverters

Posted by Jessie Oberreuter-2 on Dec 31, 2011; 1:52am
URL: http://elecraft.85.s1.nabble.com/KX3-Transverters-tp7139365p7139461.html


      Many of us looking for 2m in the rig are not really expecting to use
the KX3 as a QRP rig w/ built in 2m HT.  Rather, we expect to use it as
the centerpiece of a portable VHF+ weak-signal station where the native 6
and 2 can be fed directly to amps, 10m can be used to drive UHF
transverters, and 2m can be used to drive microwave transverters.
      My primary contest radio is a QRP K2.  I used to borrow the home K3's
stack of transverters for VHF+ contests, but I grew tired of the hassle,
and for the past few years, I've been using a less capable, but
considerably simpler dedicated 2m solution.  With a 2m capable KX3, I'll
have one tiny rig that I can use for HF in the field, as my dedicated 2m
or 144/222 master when multi-op, and as a 6&2 mountain-topper (for which I
currently back-pack MFJ adventure radios). The KX3 w/ 2m is going to
radically simplify my packing and setup!
      You can also now appreciate why I was so interested in having 2m and
the internal ATU at the same time: one radio, one configuration, ready for
any style of field operation at any time!  And the baked in digital modes
are pure gravy!  -kb7psg

On Fri, 30 Dec 2011, Dyarnes wrote:

> Hi All,
> I'm glad (for some of you) that a 2 meter transverter will eventually be
> available for the KX3.  In my view, however, only having 2 meters really
> doesn't accomplish that much.  Yes, 2 meters probably still is the most
> significant VHF/UHF band, but it seems to me that 440 has become nearly
> equal, and even more important in some areas.
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