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Re: KX3 Display LEDs

Posted by Phillip Nichols-2 on Jan 04, 2012; 4:00pm
URL: http://elecraft.85.s1.nabble.com/KX3-Display-LEDs-tp7145671p7150939.html

>> Milli is used as a prefix for terms to indicate 10 to the minus 3rd, but mil
>> is used as a separate word to indicate 10 to the 3rd.

It is even more. This is what happens when we mix Latin with english, and modern metric with old english measurements. NOW - it is what it is!  Mil/Mille means 1000. the rest is just convention.

>> We humans have sure messed up the pure Adamic language,
>> in multiple variations.

In keeping with the recent Christmas Spirit - Actually God messed up the
languages at the tower of Babel.

But that is a different Forum haha...

-.  ---..  .-  -.--  .

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