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Re: [K3] K3 and Ameritron AL-811H Amplifier

Posted by Vic Rosenthal on Jan 10, 2012; 3:59pm
URL: http://elecraft.85.s1.nabble.com/K3-K3-and-Ameritron-AL-811H-Amplifier-tp7172645p7172656.html

It sounds like you are getting no RF to the amp. This is normal behavior for an amplifier
which is in transmit mode but is not getting any drive.

On 1/10/2012 7:56 AM, Ian Kahn wrote:

> All,
> I recently acquired a used Ameritron AL-811H for use with my K3 (until I
> can save enough to get the KPA500).  I seem to be having issue getting the
> amp to respond to key down on the rig.  I have an RCA cable running from
> KEY OUT on the back of my K3 to the RELAY on the back of the amp.  I have
> DIGOUT1 on the K3 set to ON.  The amp is configured for, and plugged into,
> a 240V AC outlet.  When I go key down, either in CW or SSB, I only get a
> plate current of about 120 mA and don't get any grid current.  I suspect I
> have something misconfigured and the issue is operator error, but I'm at a
> bit of a loss as to where to look at this point.  Can anyone offer any
> guidance?
> Thanks and 73,
> Ian Kahn, KM4IK
> Roswell, GA
> [hidden email]
> K3 #231, P3 #688
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Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA

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