It sounds like you are getting no RF to the amp. This is normal behavior for an amplifier
which is in transmit mode but is not getting any drive.
> All,
> I recently acquired a used Ameritron AL-811H for use with my K3 (until I
> can save enough to get the KPA500). I seem to be having issue getting the
> amp to respond to key down on the rig. I have an RCA cable running from
> KEY OUT on the back of my K3 to the RELAY on the back of the amp. I have
> DIGOUT1 on the K3 set to ON. The amp is configured for, and plugged into,
> a 240V AC outlet. When I go key down, either in CW or SSB, I only get a
> plate current of about 120 mA and don't get any grid current. I suspect I
> have something misconfigured and the issue is operator error, but I'm at a
> bit of a loss as to where to look at this point. Can anyone offer any
> guidance?
> Thanks and 73,
> Ian Kahn, KM4IK
> Roswell, GA
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> K3 #231, P3 #688
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