To set up my amp mode using the DATA (FSK D) hit the PTT.
г. Норильск ( RDA KK-66 )
>I have a question about tuning an AL-811H amplifier with my K3. When I
> used my FT-857D in the shack, I would tune to the antenna in FM mode.
> However, I don't have the FM filter on my K3. I tried tuning the amp
> using AM, but I don't have that filter either. So, what is the best
> mode to use that allows me to briefly transmit an uninterrupted carrier
> so I can get this amp set up and the settings written down? BTW, after
> going through this, the saving for the KPA500/KAT500 will soon begin.
> Thanks everyone for the assist.
> 73,
> --Ian
> Ian Kahn, KM4IK
> Roswell, GA
[hidden email]
> K3 #281, P3 #688