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Re: Tuning AL-811H

Posted by Don Wilhelm-4 on Jan 20, 2012; 4:34am
URL: http://elecraft.85.s1.nabble.com/Tuning-AL-811H-tp7206290p7206357.html


That is because you are using the paddle input.  Use the Hand Key
input.  If you do not have a hand key, get yourself a 1/4 inch stereo
plug - connect one wire to the tip and another to the shell - on the
other end of those wires, put a pushbutton, or a toggle switch or
whatever you desire to use - in any case, shorting the two wires
together will cause the K3 to transmit in CW mode.

As has been mentioned already, you can also use TUNE, and there is a
menu item to set the TUNE POWER should you choose to do that.


On 1/19/2012 11:04 PM, Ian Kahn - Ham wrote:
> Jeff,
> When I try to use CW, all I get are transmitted dits or dahs.  The
> breaks register as zero output, so the needles on the amp bounce around
> and are hard to read.  Any suggestions on using CW to generate that
> continuous carrier out to the amp so that the needles don't bounce
> around and I can adjust it properly?
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