Posted by
w5tvw on
Jan 20, 2012; 5:37am
If you are interested in doing the job totally "right" when using SSB, the
only way to be assured of good linearity in the amplifier, is to use a
two-tone test oscillator fed into the audio input and a monitor oscilloscope
that gives a trapezoidal test pattern. Yes, I know a lot of people use a
CW carrier to do that and are successful at least some of the time. It is
easy to mistune this way and NOT get good linearity and maximum `PEP output
however. This degrades your signal and often times may disturb QSO's up or
down the band with non-linearity products.
Cheapest test scope used to be the Heathkit SB-610 which has a built in 2
tone test oscillator. I think Yaesu and Kenwood also made these as well.
Once you get used to the procedure it is easy and fast and assures a very
clean and potent signal.
Sandy W5TVW
-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Kahn - Ham
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2012 9:51 PM
[hidden email]
Subject: [Elecraft] Tuning AL-811H
I have a question about tuning an AL-811H amplifier with my K3. When I
used my FT-857D in the shack, I would tune to the antenna in FM mode.
However, I don't have the FM filter on my K3. I tried tuning the amp
using AM, but I don't have that filter either. So, what is the best
mode to use that allows me to briefly transmit an uninterrupted carrier
so I can get this amp set up and the settings written down? BTW, after
going through this, the saving for the KPA500/KAT500 will soon begin.
Thanks everyone for the assist.
Ian Kahn, KM4IK
Roswell, GA
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K3 #281, P3 #688
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