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Re: KPA 500 birdies

Posted by Jim Brown-10 on Jan 29, 2012; 12:19pm
URL: http://elecraft.85.s1.nabble.com/KPA-500-birdies-tp7233388p7234209.html

On 1/28/2012 7:30 PM, Don Wilhelm wrote:
> I just cannot unserstand how the KPA500 can create birdies during
> periods of receive.


When thinking about sources of RF trash, remember that ANY oscillator or
microprocessor or any other piece of digital circuitry generates RF
trash as a byproduct of its operation, and must be contained by good
circuit design.  That includes careful layout to minimize current loops
and wires that can radiate, as well as avoiding Pin One Problems.

 From the symptoms (the bad cap and the LCD Brightness), it sounds like  
something associated with the display circuitry is the culprit. FWIW,
I've heard it with my KPA500.

73, Jim K9YC
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