Posted by
Bob Wolbert, K6XX on
Jan 29, 2012; 11:09pm
Why Per Band OPER/STBY is not really necessary...
Since you use ANT2 for 30m & 60m, and since you use power = PER BAND, just
set both the OPER mode and STBY mode power to 100W (or 50W on 60m). The K3
will transmit at that power whether the amp is in OPERate mode or STBY or
OPER mode power is not magically some low value like 30W; it is whatever you
set it to be when the K3 senses the KPA500 is connected, powered up, and in
OPER mode. It can be any level the K3 may transmit, from 0 to 110W, and may
be different on each band.
IF you were transmitting RF through the amp, then this suggestion is a VERY
BAD IDEA, of course! This only works because you bypass the amplifier by
using ANT 2. The amp will still be keyed when the K3 transmits, so it should
have some type of load on its output, but it should be stable under these
conditions. The best solution is to turn it off. After all, there aren't any
filaments to wear out by excessive cycling.
73 de Bob, K6XX
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
[hidden email]
> [mailto:
[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Steve Jackson
> Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2012 2:34 PM
> To:
[hidden email]
> Subject: [Elecraft] KPA500 :: features?
> Or maybe, questions ... that could end up being features:
> 1) Is there any way to do per-band OPER/STBY on the KPA500?
> For example, my K3 uses ANT2 to drive my 30 and 60 meter
> antennas. (The
> amplifier is fed from ANT1.)
> When I select either of those two bands, the amp stays in
> OPER mode, which
> reduces my exciter drive to the lower level.
> Since the amp isn't in-line on those bands, I'd prefer the K3
> PA to stay at
> 100W.
> 2) Is there an architectural reason that the KPA500 band
> buttons can't be
> software-enabled to access band stacking registers? Even optionally?
> Thanks ...
> Steve KZ1X/4
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