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Re: [QRO] KPA500 variation of PA current band-by-band

Posted by alsopb on Feb 07, 2012; 1:35pm
URL: http://elecraft.85.s1.nabble.com/QRO-KPA500-variation-of-PA-current-band-by-band-tp7254807p7262405.html


I'm also curious about this-- especially what's going on on 15M.
My values at 500 W out into a dummy load are:
             (amp), [volts], {efficiency}
  1.8MHz DC (11.5) [63.1] {70}
  3.5MHz   (11.2) [63.5] {71}
  7MHz    (12.2) [62.5] {67}
  10.1MHz  (not measured)
  14MHz  (13.4)[61.8] {60}
  18.1MHz  (12.9)[62.8] (63}
  21MHz   (15.8)[61.2] {52}
  24.9MHz   (14.6) [60.1] {56}
  29.7MHz   (14.7)[60.4] {56}

These are in reasonable agreement with David's except for perhaps 10M.

The problem with these measurements are the wattmeter accuracy (10%?)
and the current measurement inaccuracy. Default wattmeter calibration
factors were used above.  Elecraft is using a Hall effect device to
measure PA current.  It would be nice to know just what accuracy to
expect from it.

The efficiencies appear to be in the right ballpark.  They tend to fall
on a straight line log plot vs frequency, decreasing at higher freq's.

If nothing else, the above numbers serve as a benchmark for future
comparisons down the road for my amp.

Note: The current measurement can be significantly affected by RF on the
outside shield of the coax.  Until a choke was employed on the feedline,
the 24.9 MHz current with a real antenna measured 3 amps too low.  With
the choke it agreed with the above dummy load value.  I suspect lots of
KPA-500 users do have this condition-- given the types of
antennas/tuners et al described by uses on this reflector.

73 de Brian/K3KO

On 2/4/2012 20:27, david park wrote:

> I have recently assembled KPA500 serial number 641.  When testing into a dummy load I find that I get a large variation in the DC power input when driving for 500W CW when I go from band to band. My worst band is 21MHz, where I get the highest current (lowest efficiency).  The drive was adjusted to give 500W as indicated by the LCD display.  Here are my results:-
> 1.8MHz      DC current 10.0A    fan hardly ever comes on
> 3.5MHz      DC current  10.0A   fan hardly ever comes on
> 7MHz                             12.0A
> 10.1MHz                        12.4A
> 14MHz                           14.3A
> 18.1MHz                        13.8A
> 21MHz                           16.4A   temperature rises rapidly and fan soon gets to full speed
> 24.9MHz                        13.5A
> 29.7MHz                        12.3A
> I have no results for 50MHz band as I have no transceiver covering that band.
> The readings drift as the heatsink (and the dummy load) warm up, and so I took readings quickly and allowed time for the heatsink to cool down between each band. I find that the KPA500 current sensor tends to give low readings.
> I would be interested in knowing how other amplifiers perform.
> David Park G3PSV

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