very far apart.
> Hi,
> I bought a kit in October last year and only assembled it recently.
> Assembly procedure is straight forward as described in manual.
> The first thing I noticed was that the amp was not always amplifying
> properly while the transceiver was in transmit mode. '*' sign was always
> visible when transmitting, but it just didn't generate constant output.
> At that time I put it aside for a while. I just got it back on my desk
> again today to have a look at it.
> Switching it on was ok, but when I switched it to 'operate' from
> 'stand-by', the amp immediately blacked out (first time this has
> happened). The transceiver was on stand-by at that time, just pushed the
> operate/stand-by button and it happened. Fuses are still ok, so
> something else must have happened.
> Would anybody have an idea where to start looking for the fault?
> Thanks
> -- 73 Bernd VK2IA
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