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Re: Product Information

Posted by Ian Kahn, KM4IK on Mar 06, 2012; 3:51pm
URL: http://elecraft.85.s1.nabble.com/Product-Information-tp7347067p7348928.html

I was actually having a similar discussion, about Elecraft, on a local
repeater in the Metro Atlanta area this morning.  One point of discussion
is that we here who are Elecrafters all appreciate that Wayne, Eric, and
crew are more concerned with getting a product right the first time than
meeting hard release dates.  While we may grow impatient as release dates
slip, we know in the end the product we're receiving is of the highest
quality and will work right, the first time, right out of the box (assuming
we assemble it correclty :-)  ).

BTW, I, too, am eagerly awaiting my pre-ordered P3SVGA and information on
the KAT500!

Eric, Wayne, and team, please keep up the excellent work!

Ian Kahn, KM4IK
Roswell, GA  EM74ua
[hidden email]
K3 #281, P3 #688

On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 5:12 AM, Doug Turnbull <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi All,
>    The trouble with making proposed product announcements is that some of
> us then become incensed when the schedule is not met.   Before becoming an
> Elecraft user, TenTec was my stable and they had made some loose
> commitments
> at hamfests and to a lesser degree on the reflector which when not
> delivered
> caused outrage by a number of people.
>      For me it is nice that Elecraft indicates what is in the pipeline and
> when possible dates they may be considering but these must be taken with a
> large amount of tolerance.   The people working on the KAT500 are perhaps
> not the people working on the P3SVGA monitor.   None of us can push our pet
> to the front of the queue.
>      I too suffer from impatience and have a P3SVGA on order but it will be
> better to have bugs ironed out before delivery.   We have a very responsive
> group in Elecraft.  This forum remains interesting and my observations mean
> little.   No offence is meant.   Jack your questions are good.
>                  73 Doug EI2CN
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [hidden email]
> [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of W0UCE
> Sent: 06 March 2012 01:09
> To: [hidden email]
> Subject: [Elecraft] Product Information
> Wayne & Eric:
> While many customers anxiously await KX3 product release there are also
> many
> Elecraft customers like myself that EAGERLY await KAT 500 product
> information such as specs, features, functions, anticipated first KAT500
> assembled and kit shipping dates.  Will there be a pre-release order list
> as with the KX3 etc.  Please, please let anxious "Customers" in on the
> secrets such as KAT 500:
> *         Product drawings that were promised weeks ago
> *         Product functions, features and specifications
> *         Product physical dimensions
> *         Will there be a pre-release order sign up list?
> *         When will Elecraft begin accepting orders?
> *         When does Elecraft expect to commence shipping kits and assembled
> units?
> *         Pricing information, even if preliminary
> Any and all information Elecraft would be so very kind to release will be
> greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Jack
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