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Re: Product Information

Posted by k6dgw on Mar 08, 2012; 12:31am
URL: http://elecraft.85.s1.nabble.com/Product-Information-tp7347067p7353582.html

"Good, Fast, Cheap."  Pick any two.


Fred K6DGW
- Northern California Contest Club
- CU in the 2012 Cal QSO Party 6-7 Oct 2012
- www.cqp.org

On 3/7/2012 4:14 PM, Steve KC8QVO wrote:

> That is a rarity in this world - it seems we hear "time
> is money" all the time. The quicker something gets done and the quicker a
> company moves on to the next project the more money they make and the better
> that company, seemingly, becomes.

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