for me. This gives me both clean keying with the computer and lets me have
the paddles to use too.
In the field, I'll not have a computer and will just use the internal keyer.
So for me, not being able to key via the Serial port is not important.
>I have been re-reading the manual and posts on this subject, and I am
> getting a bad feeling. I hope I am misunderstanding what I'm reading,
> but if not, the KX3 can't be keyed by a computer via the normal means
> of having the software assert RTS or DTR. If the KX3 won't do CW from
> a computer without an additional external gadget its suitability for
> DXing, FD, Sweepstakes, and other contests will be seriously hampered.
> Most FD or DXpedition ops might leave it at home and just take a K3.
> The solution proposed so far is to make a serial cable with a key plug
> hanging off it, plug that into the key jack, and configure the KX3 to
> see it as a straight key. Then to use a paddle, you'd need a
> Y-connector at that jack and an external keyer. I have actually had a
> setup like this, so I have the external keyer and the Y-connector, but
> it is not elegant to say the least. Much better would be to design the
> appropriate capability into the KX3. To many hams, a 10w radio is
> primarily a CW radio, so this really needs to be addressed, i.e. the
> DTR or RTS lines have to be available and capable of keying the KX3.
> I hope that I'm just overlooking something obvious and that the
> actually KX3 has the proper functionality and I just don't understand
> it.
> Tony KT0NY
> --
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