alphabetic keying via their CAT interfaces.
not able to find it. This means that if you want to make use of the
is a lot of overhead.
too long for some ops to tolerate. Toggling a serial port pin is
faster -- it's just not the "right" way to do it.
> While the KX3 Utility's Terminal program uses the K3 or KX3's command set
> (specifically the KY command), I don't believe many of the popular contest
> logging programs exploit this Elecraft-specific capability.
> Instead contest logging programs tend to use a technique that works for
> almost all radios: Wiggle a serial port modem control pin (DTR or RTS), or
> a parallel port pin (a popular technique before Windows made it difficult to
> get programmatic access to a parallel port pin without installing a specific
> device driver), or through commands sent to a K1EL Winkey chip (or an
> emulation of that chip).
> >From the radio's perspective, all of these amount to toggling the "straight
> key" line.
> There may be contest or general purpose logging programs that I am not aware
> of that do exploit the K3/KX3 KY command.
> It would be a nifty software development opportunity for a logging program
> on a NetBook sized computer to use just one serial port connector to the
> KX3, and use its serial KY command for CW keying. But I don't think we are
> there yet. I'd like to be wrong.
> 73 de Dick, K6KR
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
[hidden email]
> [mailto:
[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Tony Estep
> Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 10:02 AM
> To: Elecraft
> Subject: [Elecraft] KX3 CW from computer
> On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 11:35 AM, W7GJ, Lance <
[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Won't there be some sort of "TERMINAL" in the KX3 utility that will
>> allow the KX3 to be keyed from the computer?...
> ========
> Lance, if I'm reading the posts and the manual correctly, it's not a
> software issue. After all, if the KX3 utility could do it, any other program
> could be set up to do it too. But as far as I can figure out, there is no
> way to key the KX3 from a computer because of the hardware configuration.
> Much of the CW that is sent on the air in this non-ragchewing era is being
> sent by a logging program or other computer-controlled software.
> And note that some contests require a different exchange for every QSO, so
> storing the info in the KX3's keyer memory won't work. In those cases, the
> solution appears to be the one that Ron proposes, viz. to have an outboard
> box controlled by a separate port on the computer. Or just use your K3.
> Tony KT0NY
> --
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