Re: KX3 and Data modes
Posted by
Don Wilhelm-4 on
Mar 13, 2012; 6:58pm
Yes, Ed did make that statement BUT ---
The freshly calibrated slug does not make any difference - read and
understand the specification correctly - the accuracy is speced at +/-
5% OF FULL SCALE right after calibration. So the error with that slug
is 1.25 watts - and that applies anywhere on the scale.
A reading of 11.5 watts can be anywhere between 10.25 watts and 12.75 watts.
That kind of specification is typical of analog wattmeters - they all
have a spec in a percentage of full scale.
Many good digital wattmeters have a spec that is a percentage of the
reading rather than a percentage of full scale.
I have ranted about those facts of wattmeters many times on this reflector.
On 3/13/2012 2:33 PM, Doug Smith wrote:
> I think he stated earlier that he was using a freshly calibrated 25H
> element.
> 73,
> -Doug, W7KF
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