Re: KX3 and Data modes
Posted by
Mike Harris on
Mar 13, 2012; 7:00pm
I think the frequency range being discussed is MHz not mHz.
Mike VP8NO
On 13/03/2012 15:51, WILLIS COOKE wrote:
> Since Bird does not advertise a 25H, I don't know what that is and as far as I know they have never made a 25 watt element that is for HF. They do make a 25A,B,C,D&E which cover 25 to 1000 mHz in 5 bands, but the lowest element for HF is the 50H. A 25H would imply a 25 watt 2-30 mHz element which may have been manufactured during the 70 or more years since the Bird 43 came out in which case the range would be 10.25 to 12.5 watts if the element and meter are in spec. The current Bird chart states that a 25 watt element is not available.
> Willis 'Cookie' Cooke
> K5EWJ& Trustee N5BPS, USS Cavalla, USS Stewart
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