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Re: KX3 and Data modes

Posted by Doug Smith [W7KF] on Mar 13, 2012; 7:11pm
URL: http://elecraft.85.s1.nabble.com/KX3-and-Data-modes-tp7369142p7369596.html

There are a 25H elements in existence -- just google "bird 25H".

Here's a couple:

I think that bird does not stock them but will be happy to make them on
demand.  Certainly, they have made a lot of them in the past. They would
also be happy to calibrate an existing unit.

I have no doubt that the original poster has what he says he has.

-Doug, W7KF

On 03/13/2012 12:51 PM, WILLIS COOKE wrote:

> Since Bird does not advertise a 25H, I don't know what that is and as
> far as I know they have never made a 25 watt element that is for HF.
>  They do make a 25A,B,C,D &E which cover 25 to 1000 mHz in 5 bands,
> but the lowest element for HF is the 50H.  A 25H would imply a 25 watt
> 2-30 mHz element which may have been manufactured during the 70 or
> more years since the Bird 43 came out in which case the range would be
> 10.25 to 12.5 watts if the element and meter are in spec.   The
> current Bird chart states that a 25 watt element is not available.
> Willis 'Cookie' Cooke
> K5EWJ & Trustee N5BPS, USS Cavalla, USS Stewart
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> **
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